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Interview preparation by Rekruut for job in Germany

The Rekruut Interview Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Rekruut (R): What advice can you give candidates who want to prepare for a job interview as a nurse?

Yuliia (Y): It’s only natural to be nervous before an interview. And understandably so, because it takes a lot of courage to go to a foreign country for a new job. It helps if you concentrate on your goals and try to remain calm and cool-headed during the interview. To do this successfully, it makes sense to prepare well in advance on how to present yourself, the skills and experience relevant to the job and to rehearse this a few times in front of the mirror. There are no specific standards to be fulfilled and therefore no right or wrong answers. However, it often helps to change your perspective and ask yourself: Why should the employer choose me of all people? This allows the applicant to focus on their strengths and skills and be sure to emphasize these in the interview. Otherwise, stay cool – if you’ve made it to the interview stage, you’re already 60% of the way through the process!

R: What questions are typical for a job interview as a nurse?

Y: Motivation is often very important to employers. Leaving your home country for a new job can be a great opportunity for the employee as well as the employer in Germany, but it also may bring with it a few obstacles and challenges. This is why both employers and international talents want to make sure that it is a good fit for both. Questions often arise during the interview as to why a candidate has chosen the profession and what tasks and responsibilities are expected from the job in Germany. On the other hand, candidates often ask about the procedure regarding further training and recognition of their professional qualifications or how they will be accommodated.

R: What else can one do to successfully master the interview?

Y: Appearance and good manners are particularly important. Of course, qualifications play a major role, but if you have already made it to the interview, it is particularly important to present yourself well and to leave the best possible personal impression. Healthcare professions deal with sick and weakened people of all ages. A friendly, open and calm treatment is therefore very important. Appearance is important and applicants should make sure they are dressed appropriately. Even if the interview only takes place virtually, this can influence the assessment of a candidate. In addition to appearance, polite manners are a must. This includes, for example, not chewing gum, thanking the interviewer for inviting you to the interview and saying goodbye appropriately. However, the most important thing is to remain focused, answer questions in a friendly and precise way and to present yourself as competently as possible.

R: Tunisia is a key country for Rekruut when it comes to recruiting healthcare professionals. What are the differences in recruitment between Germany and Tunisia?

Y: In Tunisia, a lot of attention is paid to relevant references. A positive letter of recommendation can sometimes compensate for a bad grade or two. This is probably due to the strong competitive pressure. Competition is fierce and jobs are few and far between. Applicants are therefore under a lot of pressure and, in addition to soft and hard skills relevant to the profession, must be able to withstand stress and have resilience to handle the job search. However, in Germany the labor market in the health care sector is facing a great shortage of skilled workers. German employers therefore tend to prioritize the selection of new staff based on personal qualities while providing training on the job according to their needs.

R: And finally, your best anecdote about a job interview organised by Rekruut?

Y: I will remember one job interview for a long time. The interview went very well, the candidate and the employer had a decent exchange on job-related questions so far. However, the interview went in a completely different direction when the candidate expressed a concern that neither I nor the employer had expected: He actually asked if he could bring his cat with him to Germany. Funnily enough, the employer also had a cat. So the conversation ended up being less about helping the candidate find his way in a new environment, but more about recommendations for cat food and scratching poles.

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